That was funny Acadian. LOL
hello all, this is a little poem i thought was funny.
the plan.
and the state bar directors went unto their state bar officers saying,.
i'm meeting with my dad tomorrow (prob for the last time) and i have been asking him different questions and one he has tried to answer is about praying to jesus, (as i brought up that at acts 7 stephen clearly did) id like to tell you what hes printed out for me as he wants a response tomorrow,.
basiclly its all the same old :the scrips say jesus is the mediator we go to god through jesus (john-14:16, 1 tim-2:5,6).
in answering why stephen said 'lord jesus recieve my spirit' the wt says that god had caused stephen to see a heavenly vision (acts-7:54-59) he beheld the heavens open and saw jesus standing at gods right hand' so seeing jesus in vision stephen felt free to direct his request to him as the head of the cong, .
you can make the bible say anything you like, why do you think there are so many religions?
Don't get caught up debating, really what's the point?
If you know what's right and good, then do it.
You wont find Truth in a book only glimpses, but if you look inside (the Kingdom within) you will.
The one thing WTS got right is that Religion is a snare and a racket!
Keep searching and you will find.
Cosmic Awareness never tells us what to believe, it suggests and indicates areas for us to look for likely truths. Above all else, above any other teaching It offers, It suggests that we question, doubt, explore, to discover for ourselves, to study different religions, sciences, psychologies and various fields of learning but to never assume we KNOW anything, for when we think we KNOW, we cease to be open to further learning except when that learning supports our assumed knowledge.
Ninety percent of all religious teachings are designed to manipulate minds and emotions to catch, hold and extract energy and devotion from its followers, while only 10 percent of such teachings are truly priceless and valuable to one's social, physical and spiritual welfare.
I encourage people to search out the highest and the best in every religion or science, to take the 10 percent that is priceless and throw the rest away as the garbage which it is, for it clutters our living space if we keep it around.
It's impossible to reason with a closed mind.
It's funny, Jesus said to keep searching, keep knocking and the door would be openned for you.
The WTS on the other hand, says this is the truth, don't need to look any further, they ask you to believe without question any activity, book, method or personality who claims by Its own authority and that of Its followers to be the only answer, the only truth, the final word of wisdom.
They attempt to avoid any information that leads to questioning or doubting their beliefs.
Think for yourself, and Question Authority.
your brother in peace
A child of Light